We are an international online community and are establishing a biodynamic farm, village culture and self-directed education center in Costa Rica. We invite all those who feel called to this path of true health and self discovery to join us, whether from a far or in person.

We are a group of rebels, misfits, strange fruit eating ones who take the path less taken and question everything we were taught…liberating ourselves from the dogma and paradigms that do not serve humanity and ultimately the suffering that has infected us all. 

We do everything in the "spirit of the gift" meaning from the heart by donations and volunteers including participation in our education co-op, retreats, workshops, and visits. 

We are those answering the questions: How do we undo the knots created by these illusions? How can we recreate what is seen as “normal” in order to rebirth our culture anew?

We invite this transformation by simply relaxing into what life is here to bring to us and through us…simply letting it flow. Although simple, for many of us is it not easy, especially when doing it alone. However, supportive environments and communities anchored in a shared truth and vision can go along way to helping us walk this path.

Many of us have been lost and alone but now comes the time when we unite and together find our power and purpose so that we can live the life we know we came here for. 

At the heart of this vision is the families and therefore the children. They are a fundamental part of the world and we desire to guide them to discover their unique gifts and raise them in a way to not create more suffering. We are curious…what happens when we bring up children in this way? 

We need nature 

We need clean water 

We need a natural fruit based diet

We need each other 

We need natural birth

We need to support families

We need freedom in education 

We need the young and the old

We need family and community 

Our hearts are open to receive families who want to create a life with us together on our 7 hectare property in the pristine rain forest of Caribbean Costa Rica. We are surrounded by fresh clean flowing mountain spring water and a beautiful river. A place where we can experience healing on all levels through deep silent meditation, a simple fruit based lifestyle and a supportive community to raise our children in freedom. 

"It is possible that the next Buddha, Maitreya, will not take on any individual form. Maybe he will take the form of a Sangha, a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a Sangha which practices the art of mindful living."

Thich Nhat HanhFriends on the Path


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We are Anatta,

Anatta means no “self” … no “I”. Anatta is a path and process of true self discovery. It is the realization that we are not somebody who needs to be something. Anatta is an experience of dissolution of the illusion of what we thought we were, and the realization of our true nature.

We are an international online community and are establishing a village in Caribbean Costa Rica to support all those who feel called to this path of self discovery. We live a simple conscious fruit-based lifestyle immersed in nature.

School of the 5 Elements

Chinese Medicine Workshops and Training

The School of the Five Elements experiments with inter-generational group learning, encouraging us to heal as a collective and in community. This will allow us as individuals to be able to find true balance and harmony within ourselves that is in alignment with the great intelligence of life’s unfolding.

Download our Integrative Education Guide

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Download now to learn more about how we simplify education at Anatta Village through nature based integrated unit studies.
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Raw Snacks for Kids Ebook

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Get inspired with this practical guide to replace the junk with kid approved + raw friendly + gluten-free superfood snacks!
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